I love road trips! Summer and road trips go hand in hand!! But sometimes road trips and kids do not go together! I am preparing to drive to Ohio from Montana for the 3rd time since having my daughter. It is around 2000 miles to get to my hometown. We have also driven to Seattle, and to California and up the coast and miles can get long! Especially with crying, whining, and fighting in the backseat! I want to share tips that I have discovered in my travels!

Top (Kid- Friendly) Tips for Road Tripping
Snacks!!! Crunchy ones, healthy ones, ones that take longer to eat...Don't stress over a mess in the car. The mess is worth it!!
Pack a cooler for picnic meals. Trust me this is worth it. That last thing a toddler or child wants to do is sit and behave in a restaurant! Find a cute park or rest area to stretch your legs and eat. We often bring a picnic blanket.
Stop about every hour to hour and a half. Now this is hard for some drivers, but well worth it in the long run. Stretch their little legs and they will be able to drive for longer.
Entertainment. Go to the dollar store and buy random toys, magnets, coloring stuff. Even a metal cookie baking sheet comes in handy to color on or play with magnets. Toddlers love to throw cards all over. Again..don't stress over the mess until your destination.
DVDs/tablets are always a good idea. Find some movies or shows they haven't seen before.
Take a small bucket or potty chair….I know, weird tip..but depending on what state you are driving through, there may not be a rest area or bathroom options. Montana is one of those states! Plus some kids(or adults) just can't hold it to the next stop
Find fun stops on the way to have something for the kids to look forward too. Such as Storybook Island in Rapid city SD...or Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines IA.
Collect rocks from your stops and take a sharpie and write where the rock was collected from.
Get the hotel room with a pool. It is something to look forward too! There is a really cute one in Souix Falls, SD that is toddler and children friendly and they have pizza!
Let the kids call someone to talk..grandparents, friends, etc..
Games, bingo, I spy, tic tac toe, find a car from every state, etc…

Enjoy the trip!
It's part of the vacation. Often we find ourselves stressing over getting there, we forget to enjoy the journey. Make everyday an adventure and learn something new. Being grumpy does not make the day go faster! Road trips are full of memories and children will cherish them. My daughter loves our road trips and we make an adventure out of everything! Kings Island, here we come!!!